Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Upgrade Ubuntu from CLI


Network Upgrade for Ubuntu Servers (Recommended)


Ensure you're up to date with latest release:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade


Install update-manager-core if it is not already installed:

sudo apt-get install update-manager-core


edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and set Prompt=lts

Note: The minumum contents of /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades should be



Launch the upgrade tool:

sudo do-release-upgrade

2. Follow the on-screen instructions.

At the end of the upgrade process you will be required to restart the server in order to boot into the new kernel. If you do not have access to the console of the system you are upgrading, you may need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and change the default boot kernel to the newly installed 10.04 kernel. If this step is not performed your server may attempt to boot into the 8.04 LTS kernel and will hang.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Tips - Monitor turn off on laptops

To turn you monitor off on your:
MacBook pro press Shift-Control-Eject. (eject is the cdrom eject button)
IBM ThinkPad T42 press FN-F3

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Exchange remote connectivity analyzer


using the mail command

To test postfix mail routing, use the mail command.

make sure mailutils is already installed

to send a message type:
mail -s (enter)
someone@home.com (enter)
this is a test (enter)
control-d to send message
control-c twice to cancel message

mail -s testing
To: someone@home.com
This is a test of my postfix install/routing

Monday, July 12, 2010

Set time on windows

To set the system on windows

net time \\ntp server /set /y

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

AD userAccountControl values

Here are the values/descriptions for the AD attribute for userAccountControl

512 - Enable Account
514 - Disable account
544 - Account Enabled - Require user to change password at first logon
4096 - Workstation/server
66048 - Enabled, password never expires
66050 - Disabled, password never expires
262656 - Smart Card Logon Required
532480 - Domain controller

1 - script
2 - accountdisable
8 - homedir_required
16 - lockout
32 - password_not_reqd
64 - password_cant_change
128 - encrypted_text_pwd_allowed
256 - temp_duplicate_account
512 - normal_account
2048 - interdomain_trust_account
4096 - workstation_trust_account
8192 - server_trust_account
65536 - dont_expire_password
131072 - mns_logon_account
262144 - smartcard_required
524288 - trusted_for_delegation
1048576 - not_delegated
2097152 - use_des_key_only
4194304 - dont_req_preauth
8388608 - password_expired
16777216 - trusted_to_auth_for_delegation

Thursday, December 3, 2009

How to read binary files

To read binary .gz files use the "zless" command.
$ sudo zless /var/log/mail/info.1.gz | grep -i someone@email.com