Thursday, June 7, 2007

Linux Directory Meanings

It's et cetera. If you look at the Unix hierarchy, you get:

* /bin - binaries
* /sbin - system binaries
* /dev - devices
* /home - user home directories
* /lib - libraries
* /mnt - temporary mount point
* /root - root's home directory in case /home is on another filesystem
* /var - variable data, such as databases, news, and mail
* /tmp - temporary files
* /usr - mostly there because it wouldn't fit on / :P
* /etc - stuff that doesn't fit any of the above

It's not about configuration files, either. /etc is home to both configuration and system-essential files, such as passwd and motd. I wouldn't call passwd "configuration," and I wouldn't call it "data." It's more "control." But that doesn't matter - the stuff in /etc just wouldn't fit anywhere else. All the backronyms in the world won't change that.

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